Come Home
O wand’ring soul, in darkness lost,
Deceived by devils and by men,
O wand’ring soul, in darkness lost,
Deceived by devils and by men,
By ev’ry wind of doctrine tossed,
O wand’ring soul, come home again.
The Father’s arms are open wide;
The Saviour for your sins has died;
The Spirit moves you deep inside;
O wand’ring soul, come home.
O weary soul, no rest in sight,
By burdens, toils, and cares oppressed,
The burden of the Lord is light;
Submit to Christ and enter rest.
The Father’s arms are open wide;
The Saviour for your sins has died;
The Spirit moves you deep inside;
O weary soul, come home.
O thirsty soul, the world you’ve tried,
And tasted all that earth can give;
It leaves you still unsatisfied:
Come now to Christ and drink and live.
The Father’s arms are open wide;
The Saviour for your sins has died;
The Spirit moves you deep inside;
O thirsty soul, come home.
O hungry soul, the feast is spread
Within the Father’s house for all;
In Jesus Christ is living bread:
Refuse no more the Spirit’s call.
The Father’s arms are open wide;
The Saviour for your sins has died;
The Spirit moves you deep inside;
O hungry soul, come home.
O sinful soul, your sinning leave;
Repent of all your filth and sin;
To Jesus Christ the Saviour cleave:
To life and righteousness come in.
The Father’s arms are open wide;
The Saviour for your sins has died;
The Spirit moves you deep inside;
O sinful soul, come home.
Glenn Conjurske