Consistency its own Reward – Charles Spurgeon
TO this hour truth offers no dowry but herself to those who will espouse her. Abuse, contempt, hard fare, ridicule, misrepresentation—these are the wages of consistency; and if better comes it is not to be reckoned on. If any man be of a noble enough spirit to love the truth for truth’s sake, and God for God’s sake, and Christ for Christ’s sake, let him enlist with those of like mind; but if he seek anything over and above that, if he desire to be made famous, or to gain power, or to be well beneficed, he had better keep his place among the cowardly dirt-eaters who swarm around us. The church of God bribes no man. She has no mercenary rewards to offer, and would scorn to use them if she had. If to serve the Lord be not enough reward, let those who look for more go their selfish way: if Heaven be not enough, let those who can despise it seek their Heaven below.