David, the man of God.-F.B.Meyer
David, the man of God. Neh. xii. 24, 36, 37, 45, 46.
HOW long the influence of David has lingered over the world, like the afterglow of a sunset! Mark the characteristic in him which laid the foundation of his supremacy over the hearts of his countrymen. He was preR09;eminently “a man of God.” Notwithstanding his terrible fall, his people recognised that his salient characteristic was Godward. Would you be one of God’s men?
(1) Give all to God. Too many live lives of piecemeal consecration, giving a bit here and a bit there, but never all. David surrendered himself to do God’s will utterly, and in all, and so became a man after God’s own heart. With what joy God’s voice seems to quiver, as He says, “I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, who shall fulfil all my will” (Acts xiii. 22). Without reserve, holding nothing back, yield yourself to God, to be, and do, and suffer his will, whatever it may be.
(2) Take all from God. “It is not what we give to Jesus, but what we take from Him, that makes us strong, helpful, and victorious day by day.” Accept this as a fact, that in Jesus God has made all his fulness dwell. There is nothing we require, for life or godliness, that is not stored in Him; but the terrible loss of our lives is that we take so little. We have ourselves to blame if we are poor, and miserable, and blind, and naked.
(3) Use all for God. It sometimes appears as though Christian people were urged to yield themselves to God, only that their lives might be more comfortable. But the supreme and final end in all surrender must be that his will be done, his glory promoted, and Himself magnified whether in life or death.