Despair – Thomas Brooks
Continual imprisonment in hell, arises from man’s not being able to pay the price. The wicked go to hell as their prison, because they can never pay their debts. The damned must bear the wrath of God to all eternity, because they can never satisfy the justice of God for sin. Therefore they must lie in hell, world without end.
Despair is an unavoidable companion, attending the pains of the second death as all reprobates do experience. Desperation is an utter hopelessness of any good, and a certain expectation and waiting on the worst that can befall; and this is the lot and portion of the damned in hell. The wretched sinner in hell, seeing the sentence passed against him; God’s purpose fulfilled, never to be reversed; the gates of hell made fast upon him; and a great gulf fixed between hell and heaven, which renders his escape impossible he now gives up all, and reckons on nothing but uttermost misery in his remediless, woeful condition.