Different measures and degrees of holiness – Thomas Brooks
All saints are not alike holy. Some are more holy, and others are less holy; in some saints the springs of holiness runs low, in others the springs of holiness rise very high. Holiness thrives not alike in all saints. God never distributes holiness alike to all. To some He gives more, to others less, according to the good pleasure of His grace.
All saints are equally justified, and equally pardoned, and equally reconciled, and equally accepted but all saints are not equally sanctified.
Christ has not work alike for all saints to do, nor burdens alike for all saints to bear, nor mercies alike for all saints to improve, nor temptations alike for all saints to resist, nor difficulties alike for saints to grapple with, nor dangers alike for all saints to encounter with, therefore He gives not a like measure of holiness to all but to some more, to others less, according as their condition requires. Some saints stand in need of a great deal more grace and holiness than others do.
God gives different measures and degrees of holiness among His people as their needs require.
All that holiness which any man has, whether it is little, or whether it is much is all of grace, it is all of free-grace. Therefore let every Christian . . . improve it, be thankful for it, and walk humbly under it.