Drones and ciphers – Thomas Brooks
Does the bee gather honey for itself?
Does the sheep yield wool for itself?
“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:4-5
Every Christian is bound to serve others. A narrow, a selfish-spirited man is a shame to his creation, because he walks so contrary to the great intendment of God in it. It is base and unworthy for a man to make himself the center of all his actions. That man sins against the very law of his being who is swallowed up in his own private
This age is full of drones and ciphers, and of selfish, lifeless men who look at nothing, who design nothing, who aim at nothing, and who endeavor nothing but how to elevate themselves, and greaten themselves, and enrich themselves, and build up themselves though it be upon other’s ruins! How many are there who are so swallowed up in their own interests and private concerns, that they care not whether others sink or swim! What!” they say, “Shall we leave our ease, our pleasure, our profits to serve others? We cannot do it! We will never do it!”
All of you, serve each other in humility.” 1 Peter 5:5