Dying, Test of – Charles Spurgeon

GOD grant that we may stand the test of dying. But there is a still more terrible test than dying, for some sleep quietly through death, but, oh, the judgment! I see two ponderous scales, huge as hemispheres of this great globe, and there I see the weights—the standard weights of eternal justice. Into yonder scales every one of us must go, and what if there should be heard the dreadful sound, “Mene, mene, tekel?” “You are weighed in the balances, and found wanting!” There will be no hope, then, of making up the short weight, or of coming up to the standard. Lost then, we shall be cast away forever. O, if you only get an inch towards Heaven, let it be a safe inch; for a safe inch is better than a counterfeit yard, and one drachm of grace is better than a million tons of profession. One genuine tear is better than a seaful of washing your hands in outward ceremonies.
