Early Piety, Blessedness of – Charles Spurgeon
NO one can ever over-estimate the great privilege of being brought to God in childhood or youth. If it were only to be saved from the injury which a course of sin brings upon the mind, if it were only to escape from the regrets for the past which will arise even when the conscience is in after-days purged from sin, if it were only to have saved those precious hours of the early morning of life, and to have used them in the Master’s cause, if it were only for those three reasons—and they are but part of a great cluster—they are something for which eternally to bless the special love of God. I appeal to those who have been brought to love the Lord in riper days, and those especially who have come to know him in old age. Beloved brethren, you love the Lord who has called you to himself, but have you not often said in your heart, “Would to God I had known him, like Timothy, at my mother’s knee!” And is it not at this time the dearest desire of your soul that your children should not delay decision for God so long as you did, but that they should cast in their lot with the people of God while yet the ruddy hue of youth is on their cheeks? I know I speak your very hearts. You, therefore, are witnesses to the fact that early piety is a choice blessing, and he who has received it may think that he hears an angel say to him this morning, “O man, greatly beloved, when you were a child the Lord delighted in you.