Faith bringing the Distant near – Charles Spurgeon

STANDING on some of the Alpine summits, you look far and wide, and see lakes spread at a distance beneath your feet, and far away there is a range of black mountains, or of hills clothed with snows; you know they are perhaps two hundred miles distant, but in a moment you are there. So quick does the sense of sight travel, that we go to the moon or to the sun without knowing that any space of time is taken up by our eyes traveling there; and those remote stars which the astronomers tell us are so distant that they can scarcely compute how far off they are, yet mine eye travels to them in a second of time, when I gaze upon the starry firmament—so quickly does sight travel—and equally rapid is the action of faith. Brethren, we know not where Heaven may be—where the state, the place called “Heaven” is, but faith takes us there in contemplation in a single moment. We cannot tell when the Lord may come; it may not be for centuries yet, but faith steps over the distance in a moment, and sees him coming in the clouds of Heaven, and hears the trumpet of resurrection.
