Faith Is for Failures
Faith is for failures and all who are weak.
The strong have no need of the help that I seek.
Faith is for failures and all who are weak.
The strong have no need of the help that I seek.
The well have no need of a Healer like mine;
The righteous, no need of a Savior divine.
The perfect don’t value my God or His grace,
But I, who have failed and in shame hide my face,
Must cling to the love from above.
The beautiful, eloquent people of earth,
The ones who can glory in what they are worth,
Can’t fathom the love that is shown to a worm,
Nor grasp of the mercy my failures confirm.
The lack that I feel in myself every day
Instructs my poor soul in the life-giving way,
And I cling to the love from above.
The love the unworthy in mercy have learned
Outshines any love that the good may have earned.
It’s surer and truer; abundant and free,
This love that embraces a sinner like me.
I know that when broken and humbled to dust,
There’s love in which even the weakest can trust,
And I cling to that love from above.
Nita Brainard