Frankfort. To Lukas Cranach - Martin Luther
The celebrated painter, and warm friend of the Reformation, who accompanied his Elector, John
Frederick, into banishment, and died at Weimar, in 1553. April 28, 1521. To the excellent Meister Lukas Cranach, painter in Wittenberg.
My dear co-sponsor and friend, I commend you to God. I shall submit to being hidden away, and as yet do not know where. I would have preferred being put to death by the tyrants, especially by the
furious Herzog George, but was obliged to follow the advice of friends, and wait my time.
They did not expect me to go to Worms, and you all know how they kept faith with me, as to the conduct, demanding that my writings should be delivered up. I imagined His Imperial Majesty would have assembled many doctors, who would have overcome me in a straightforward manner, but they only cried, “Are the books yours?” “Yes.” “Will you retract them or not?” “No.” “Then get away.” Oh,
we blind Germans! How childishly we act — imitating the Romans in such a pitiful way. f12 Greet your dear wife, my co-sponsor, and say I hope she is well. The Jews must sing, Jo, Jo, Jo. Easter day will come to us also, and then we shall sing “Hallelujah.” But we must first suffer a little. “A little while
and ye shall not see me,” says Christ, “and again a little while and ye shall see me.” I hope that it shall be even so now. But God’s will is the very best, and may it happen here, even as in heaven. Amen.
Greet Meister Christian (the goldsmith) and his wife, and thank the Town Council for the conveyance to Worms. If Licenciate Feldkirche is no table, ask Amsdoff to preach. He will gladly do so. I commend you to God, and may He keep your hearts in peace in Christ, in presence of the Romish wolves with their followers. Amen.