Funeral for a Cat

The story is told about a lady who was very distraught because her pet cat died. His name was Homer.

She called a local Baptist church and asked the minister if he performed funerals for cats and of course he told her he did not, but suggested she call the Presbyterian church. He thought that they conducted funerals for cats.

And of course the Presbyterian church didn’t either and so they referred her to the Methodist church in town.

The Methodist church passed, and said, “Sorry, but we don’t perform funerals for cats either.”

So finally she called the Baptist minister back and she was so frustrated that she said, “It’s not like I’m looking for something for nothing. I’m more than willing to pay for the funeral for my cat Homer. In fact, I was going to give a thousand dollars.”

And immediately the pastor interrupted and said, “Why didn’t you tell me that your dearly departed Homer was a Baptist. We would be happy to do the funeral.”
