George MacDonald and Alan Redpath on the Importance of Depending Upon God-Goerge Mueller
George MacDonald and Alan Redpath on the Importance of Depending Upon God
George MacDonald, “In whatever man does without God, he must fail miserably, or succeed more miserably.” Any seemingly successful person who does it independently of God is above all most miserable! Man is incomplete until he realizes that only God completes him. When we are dependent on God we walk thru life with the most joy, not when we heap things around us as our gods.
Alan Redpath, “There is too much working before men and too little waiting before God.” If we took 1% of the energy we put into trying to MAKE things happen and invested that into prayer, we would see an exponential increase in blessings!
From a sermon by Jerry Shirley, Pray for the Impossible, 6/11/2010