Gideon, in hiding, sees the Angel of the Lord and is told to lead the battle against the dominating Midianites. Gideon is fearful but believes God, tears down the altar of Baal and builds an altar to the Lord. Gideon is weak in faith and asks for the sign of a wet, dewy fleece on dry ground. God complies and he is encouraged.
Bold Gideon believes God, the Spirit of the Lord comes upon him and he calls the army together. The Lord intends to test Gideon’s faith and asks him to reduce his army to 10,000 men. The army of the Midianites is 135,000. God further asks Gideon to reduce his army to the 300 men who would drink water from their hands as a dog would lap it.
In faith, Gideon surrounds the enemy camp at night and instructs the 300 to hold up torches and blow trumpets. All together they shout “The sword of the Lord and Gideon.” They watch as the enemy camp in confusion begins to fight one another and flees. They totally defeat the Midianite army with the Lord on their side. Judges 6-8.
Victory is always available when we trust the One God of creation and salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ gained the victory over Satan, sin and death when he offered Himself a sacrifice on the cross and rose from the dead. We enter into that victory when we repent, confess our sin and accept Him as our Savior and Lord. Exercise your faith and the promised Holy Spirit will come upon you just like Gideon.
~Lewllyn Tewksbury, October 8, 2016