Glen Conjurske Audio Sermons

Glen Conjurske was pastor of a church in Northern Wisconsin in Rhinelander area. He had a deep burden to bring fundamental Biblical truths back into the pulpit. He was an avid reader and researcher of old theological works and acquired an extensive collection of ancient works and sourced rare books in his quest for deepening his own walk with the Lord and teaching others. He sent out a booklet called Old Paths and Ancient Landmarks. Glen also had a gift for poetry and could vividly describe scenes and events in poetic form. Being a very forthright preacher, he inevitably faced opposition for most of his ministry.

Glen Conjurske

A sword in your household - Glen Conjurske

Brazen shields - Glen Conjurske

Call of Elisha - Glen Conjurske

Calvinism Part 1

Calvinism Part 2 - Glen Conjurske

Calvinism Part 3 - Glen Conjurske

Calvinism Part 4 - Glen Conjurske

Calvinism Part 5 - Glen Conjurske

Calvinism Part 6 - Glen Conjurske

Casting nets into the sea - Glen Conjurske

Compromise - Glen Conjurske

Consistency in discipline of children - Glen Conjurske

Displeasing children - Glen Conjurske

Education of children - Glen Conjurske

Evil communications - Glen Conjurske

Faith and patience - Glen Conjurske

Faith and sight - Glen Conjurske

Feeding of the five billion - Glen Conjurske

Heaven - Glen Conjurske

How am I straitened - Glen Conjurske


Glen Conjurskes Audio Sermons

Glen Conjurske was pastor of a church in Northern Wisconsin in Rhinelander area. He had a deep burden to bring fundamental Biblical truths back into the pulpit. He was an avid reader and researcher of old theological works and acquired an extensive collection of ancient works and sourced rare books in his quest for deepening his own walk with the Lord and teaching others. He sent out a booklet called Old Paths and Ancient Landmarks. Glen also had a gift for poetry and could vividly describe scenes and events in poetic form. Being a very forthright preacher, he inevitably faced opposition for most of his ministry.

Glen Conjurske