God Hears the Cry of His Suffering Children - Dwight Lyman Moody
Exodus 2:23-25
And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage…
My little boy has three calls. He opens the study door and calls, “Papa.” I pay no attention to him because I know it is merely to attract notice. Again he comes throwing the study door open, and running in, he calls, “Papa, look here, I have something to show you.” I know by his call that he is really in earnest, and I turn to share in his joy. He has still another call; when he is in the garden he may meet with an accident; in a quick and distressed voice he calls, “Papa.” I know by the call that my child is in trouble, and I am out of the house in an instant, and by my boy’s side, doing what I can to help him. In like manner God deals with us. We sometimes call to Him, scarcely meaning anything by our call, and never looking for or expecting a reply. Then, again, we wish to call the Lord’s attention to some unexpected joy or pleasure which we have received. He listens to us because He delights to share in all that concerns us. But, dear friends, how quickly the Lord will come to the call of one in distress! He knows all the different calls of His children, and specially those in trouble, for has He not promised, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee.”
(D. L. Moody.).