God himself must judge our sin – Andrew Murray
God himself must judge the sin. He alone can do it. This is often the cause of lifelong failure with believers, that when they see sin they seek to deal with it themselves. And by dealing with it they have failed to conquer, they count it a permanent thing that cannot be overcome.
Oh, Christians, let God deal with your sin.
If you would have your heart broken down, and your hands made utterly weak, so you no longer resist God, let God deal with your sin. Bring the sin that is discovered in his temple, in your body, or in your heart, to him, and let him execute his fierce judgment on it.
Be it the lust of the flesh, sin in the body and its appetities; be it the lust of the eye, sin in choosing the visible above the invisible; be it the pride of life, sin in preferring self before God or the neighbour bring it out before a holy God, give it into his charge, and ask him to deal with it, to execute judgment on it.
Ask him to do what he has spoken, not to spare and not to pity, but to pour out his fury upon it, till the sinful deed is utterly destroyed before his presence.
They shall know that I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance on them. Give your sins over to God’s vengeance, wait on him as the God of judgment, then will he fulfil the promise, From all your filthiness and from all your idols will I cleanse you.
(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 47)
Andrew Murray