GOLD. – Dwight Lyman Moody
—There cannot be any peace where there is uncertainty.
—There is no knowledge like that of a man who knows he is saved, who can look up and’see his “title clear to mansions in the skies.”
—I believe hundreds of Christian people are being deceived by Satan now on this point, that they have not got the assurance of salvation just because they are not willing to take God at His word.
—”But,” a man said to me, “no one has come back, and we don’t know what is in the future. It is all dark, and how can we be sure?” Thank God! Christ came down from heaven, and I would rather have Him, coming as he does right from the bosom of the Father, than any one else. We can rely on what Christ says, and He says, “He that believeth on Me shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” Not that we are going to have it when we die, but right here to-day.
—Now, I find a great many people who want some evidence that they have accepted the Son of God. My friends, if you want any evidence, take God’s word for it. You can’t find better evidence than that. You know that when the Angel Gabriel came down and told Zachariah he should have a son he wanted a further token than the angel’s word. He asked Gabriel for it and he answered, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of the Lord.” He had never been doubted, and he thundered out this to Zachariah. But he wanted a further token, and Gabriel said, “You shall have a token: you shall be dumb till your son shall be given you.