GOLD. – Dwight Lyman Moody

—All you have got to do is to prove that you are a sinner, and I will prove that you have got a Saviour.

—Do you believe the Lord will call a poor sinner, and then cast him out? No! his word stands forever, “Him that cometh unto Me I will in no wise cast out.

—If God put Adam out of this earthly Eden on account of one sin, do you think He will let us into the Paradise above with our tens of thousands sins upon us.

—The only charge they could bring against Christ down here was, that He was receiving bad men. They are the very kind of men He is willing to receive.

—”Lord, you don’t really mean that we shall preach the Gospel to those men that murdered you, to those men that took your life?” “Yes,” says the Lord, “go and preach the Gospel to those Jerusalem sinners.” I can imagine Him saying: “Go and hunt up that man that put the cruel crown of thorns upon My brow, and preach the Gospel Jto him. Tell him he shall have a crown in My kingdom without a thorn in it.
