Grace, Manifestation of—In Little Things – Charles Spurgeon
WASHING feet is not a great or essential act. A man may live, though his feet after a journey may not be cooled by the refreshing stream from the ewer. It is a small act, a grateful and refreshing act, and just such things Jesus Christ must continue to do for you and for me, if we are his people. We shall, in times of need, find Jesus in our chamber still girt with the towel and bearing the basin; ready still to wait on us, and administer loving refreshments; and we shall often wonder, “What! did he really help me in such a thing as that, and did I dare to take such a case as that to him?” Unbelief will say, “I dare not do that again. Lord, you shall never wash my feet; I cannot, I dare not make a servant of you for such common things as these; I will leave the great matters of salvation with you, but I will not come to you each day for ordinary things.” But, beloved, unless we do so, unless we do live this life of reception of great grace for little occasions, unless we live receiving wonders of loving-kindness which we feel we have no right to receive, marvels of mercy surpassing all expectation, unless, I say, our life is made up of tender mercies of which we are utterly unworthy, Jesus is not washing our feet, and we have no part with him.