H - Christian Hymns
H is the eight letter of the alphabet and starts of many great hymns of the faith. The Christmas Hymn, ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’ written by Jehoida Brewer, has been sung millions of times and brought us back to the wonder of Christ’s Birth! ‘Hail Sovereign Love’ by J.Brewer another great hymn of faith. Who has not been blessed by all the Hallelujah’s in hymns and the hymn by Mrs W.J Kennedy starts off with H, being ‘Hallelujah unto Jesus. ‘Hand in Hand’ by Johnson Oatman reminds us of God’s helping Hand every step of the way and
‘Have Thine Own Way Lord‘ by Adelaide A. Pollard has marked the surrender of many a soul. We are excited to present many precious ‘H’ hymns in this section.

Letter H Hymns
H is the eight letter of the alphabet and starts of many great hymns of the faith. The Christmas Hymn, ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’ written by Jehoida Brewer, has been sung millions of times and brought us back to the wonder of Christ’s Birth! ‘Hail Sovereign Love’ by J.Brewer another great hymn of faith. Who has not been blessed by all the Hallelujah’s in hymns and the hymn by Mrs W.J Kennedy starts off with H, being ‘Hallelujah unto Jesus’. ‘Hand in Hand’ by Johnson Oatman reminds us of God’s helping Hand every step of the way and
‘Have Thine Own Way Lord’ by Adelaide A. Pollard has marked the surrender of many a soul. We are excited to present many precious ‘H’ hymns in this section.