
Sarah can’t conceive a baby
By the usual means of life,
So she willingly suggested
I become a second wife.

Being given to her husband,
Hopes in me materialized,
And I’m hardly to be censured,
If my mistress is despised.

I have always done her bidding,
Meekly served along her side.
Who would fault me now or judge me
If I feel a little pride?

She’s not right to treat me harshly
She’s the one who made the plan.
I can’t help it that she’s barren,
And that I’ve conceive a man.

Oh, I know that Sarah’s godly,
And she wasn’t mean before,
But her treatment now is awful,
And it grieves me more and more.

All her godliness and virtue
Go for nothing now to me.
She has hurt me and abused me,
And it’s right for me to flee.

As I linger by a fountain
In the wilderness of Shur,
Who should meet me in my sorrow
But the God I learned from her!

He has pitied my affliction,
My distress and pain He knew,
Sarah may be specially chosen,
But He sees and loves me too!

Though God’s people often fail us
And may hurt us by their ways,
God, who sees, and hears, and answers,
Honors everyone who prays.

Nita Brainard


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