Happiness Gone
Happiness gone, sinking pilgrim
Low ‘neath the heel of despair
Happiness gone, sinking pilgrim
Low ‘neath the heel of despair
As you are crying in anguish
‘Why must my bruised form lie there?’
Ask yourself now dearest pilgrim
Is there a reason indeed
That things have come like an onslaught
Leaving you weak and in need
Is it the sin you are harb’ring
Are you defiant to God
Is it the paths you have chosen
Far from God’s will you have trod
God speaks in love, He is calling
You from the pathway of sin
Do not withstand His strong dealing
For He your soul would back win
Things have gone wrong, is it satan
That comes in angry array?
But Job stood fast in the onslaught
Don’t let him lead you astray
If you like Daniel are suff’ring
Because you won’t compromise
Don’t lose your joy in the conflict
Despite the malice and lies
Perhaps you like Lot are not heeding
God’s still voice pleading within
If you remain in Gomorrah
Others may fall into sin
Stephen knew heaven was waiting
Stones cut but still his face shone
Was it the way that he suffered
Paul’s heart had pricked – for God won?
Is there a cause for your sorrow?
Sin? Then repent and confess
but if ’tis not, know dear pilgrim
God will give grace for the test.
Jenny Daniel