He has no reason to complain! – Thomas Brooks
The least drop of grace,
the least smile from Christ’s face,
the least kiss of His mouth,
the least embrace of His arm,
the least hint of His favor
is worth more than ten thousand worlds!
That Christian cannot be poor who is rich in grace.
That Christian cannot be miserable who has God
for his portion.
That Christian cannot be unhappy who has a mansion prepared for him in heaven, though he has not a cottage to hide his head in, in this world.
That Christian has no cause to complain of lack of food for his body whose soul is feasted with manna, with the dainties of heaven, with those rarities which are better than angels’ food!
He who has but rags to cover his back, if his soul is clothed with the garments of salvation, and covered with the robe of Christ’s righteousness, he has no reason to complain!