He was marvellously helped - F.B.Meyer
He was marvellously helped,
till he was strong. 2 Chron. xxvi. 15, 16.
GREAT and marvellous are thy works, O God; that our soul knoweth quite well. Thou hast showed marvellous lovingkindness. We must sing to Thee; for Thou hast done marvellous things. lt is marvelous that Thou shouldst have set thy love upon us; that Thou shouldst have watched over our interests with unwearied care; that our sins, or unbelief, or declensions, have never diverted thy love from us. “Marvellous ” is the only word we can use, as we think of the condescension of the well beloved Son to the manger bed; of the agony and bloody sweat; of the cross and passion and all for us who were his enemies. But it is most marvellous of all that Thou least made us children, heirs, arid joint heirs with Christ. To think that we shall shine as the sun in thy kingdom, that we are to sit upon his throne, and be included in that circle of love and life of which the throne of God and the Lamb is the centre! Surely the marvels of thy grace will only seem the greater when eternity with its boundless ages gives us time to explore them.
The danger, however, is that we should become strong in our own conceit, and credit ourselves with the position which is due to the grace of God alone. Oh for the truly humble spirit of the little child, that we may never vaunt ourselves! The laden ship sinks in the water; the fruit burdened bough stoops to the ground; the truest scientist is the humblest disciple. Oh to be submerged and abashed for the marvellous help of God!
God cannot trust some of us with prosperity and success, because our nature could not stand them. We must tug at the oar, instead of spreading the sail, because we have not enough ballast.