Harold Peasley Audio Sermons

Harold Peasely was the twin son of Bill Peasley, a loved and revered missionary in Africa who planted schools in rural areas and had a deep burden for farm workers and evangelistic work. Harold studied at the Baptist Theological Seminary where he married Antoinette. They have three daughters. His fruitful ministry has spanned 50 years, preaching at evangelical crusades, being National Youth Secretary for the Baptist Youth in earlier days, pastoring the Florida Church in Johannesburg, directing Evangelism Explosion as well as founding and overseeing Multi Ministries. His preaching and teaching ministry has taken him over the world, including Australia, Africa, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Europe, America, the middle East, and Canada. Harold’s wife Antoinette stands with him in the ministry. They both have a deep burden for revival.

Harold Peasley Sermons Speaker

Harold Peasley Audio Sermons

Caleb the Mountaineer - Stanley Banks

Called Unto Liberty Stanley Banks - Dr Stanley Banks

Clean Vessels Stanley Banks - Dr Stanley Banks

Crowning the Lord Stanley Banks - Dr Stanley Banks

God is light - Stanley Banks

God is Love Stanley Banks - Dr Stanley Banks

Gospel of Fullness - Stanley Banks

Gospel of Intimacy - Stanley Banks

Grace - Stanley Banks

He knows the way through the wilderness - Stanley Banks

Isaiah's Message - Stanley Banks

Jacob The Religious Rogue - Stanley Banks

Joel The Prophet of Repentance - Stanley Banks

Legacy Nobody Wanted - Stanley Banks

Personal Sanctification Stanley Banks

Peter the Defective Disciple Stanley Banks

Power from on High Rev Stanley Banks

Relationship to God Stanley Banks

Relationship to the world Stanley Banks

Second Coming Stanley Banks


Harold Peasely was the twin son of Bill Peasley, a loved and revered missionary in Africa who planted schools in rural areas and had a deep burden for farm workers and evangelistic work. Harold studied at the Baptist Theological Seminary where he married Antoinette. They have three daughters. His fruitful ministry has spanned 50 years, preaching at evangelical crusades, being National Youth Secretary for the Baptist Youth in earlier days, pastoring the Florida Church in Johannesburg, directing Evangelism Explosion as well as founding and overseeing Multi Ministries. His preaching and teaching ministry has taken him over the world, including Australia, Africa, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Europe, America, the middle East, and Canada. Harold’s wife Antoinette stands with him in the ministry. They both have a deep burden for revival.

Harold Peasley Sermons Speaker