His purse is always full – Thomas Brooks

The riches of Christ are inexhaustible. Christ can never be drawn dry. Earthly riches are true gardens of Adonis, where we can gather nothing but trivial flowers surrounded with many briars, etc. Men rake together worldly riches as children do snow which the next shower washes away, and leaves nothing in the place but dirt; and can dirt satisfy? Surely not! No more can worldly riches.

The Spanish ambassador coming to see the treasury of Venice, which is famous throughout the world, fell a-groping whether it had any bottom, and being asked why, answered, “In this my great master’s treasure differs from yours, in that his has no bottom, as I find yours to have,” alluding to the mines of Mexico and Potosi, etc.

Certainly Christ’s treasures have no bottom all His bags are bottomless! Scripture, history, and experience, do abundantly testify that men’s bags, purses, coffers, and mines may be exhausted or drawn dry but Christ’s can never. Millions of thousands live upon Christ, and He feels it not. His purse is always full, though He is always giving.
