Holy hatred – Thomas Brooks

“Through your precepts I get understanding, therefore I hate every false way.” Psalm 119:104

There is in every penitent a sincere hatred of sin, a universal hatred of sin.

True hatred is universal it is to the whole kind. He who hates sin because it is sin, hates every sin, and therefore he cannot but turn from it, and labor to be the death and ruin of it. Holy hatred is an implacable and an irreconcilable principle. You shall as soon reconcile God and Satan together; Christ and antichrist together; heaven and hell together as you shall be able to reconcile a penitent soul and his sin together. A true penitent looks upon every sin as contrary to the law of God, the nature of God, the being of God, the glory of God and accordingly his heart rises against it.
He looks upon every sin as poison, as the vomit of a dog, as the mire of the street, as the menstruous cloth  which of all things in the law was most unclean, defiling and polluting and this turns his heart against every sin.

He looks upon every sin as having a hand in apprehending, betraying, binding, scourging, condemning and murdering his Lord and Master Jesus Christ; and this works him not only to refrain from sin but to forsake it, and not only to forsake it but also to abhor it, and to loathe it more than hell itself! The penitent soul will do all he can to be the death of every sin that has a hand in the death of his Lord and Master.
