How Sad
The town was full, no room was found
for the simple village maid
The town was full, no room was found
For the simple village maid
No wonder then on straw it was
The babe was gently laid.
The town was full of busy men,
All busy doing things.
No wonder then, they did not know,
He was the King of Kings!
The land was full of Pharisees,
Religious men of note.
How could they know the humble man
Was He of whom God wrote!
And so they sent Him to the cross
And mocked Him in His shame.
How could they know t’was God Himself?
Immanuel is His name.
How sad that He whom prophets told
So oft of, was ignored!
How sad they would not come to Him
Who earnestly implored.
How sad before the judgment throne
Remorse shall useless be.
For all who spurn God’s sacrifice
Are damned eternally!
Jenny Daniel