The story behind hymns written have often been as fascinating as the hymns themselves. If we think of ‘Amazing Gract’ and its background, ‘It Is Well With My Soul’ and its background we will be as blessed by the history as the words of the song. It is a fascinating study to not only look at the authors of the Hymns but the evernts in their lives that gave the hymns birth. We are excited to offer the background, insight and inspiration that led to the birth of many of the most loved hymns of all time!

Mat 6:28 Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not...
Hymn Writer Stories
Mat 6:28 Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not...

The story behind hymns written have often been as fascinating as the hymns themselves. If we think of ‘Amazing Gract’ and its background, ‘It Is Well With My Soul’ and its background we will be as blessed by the history as the words of the song. It is a fascinating study to not only look at the authors of the Hymns but the evernts in their lives that gave the hymns birth. We are excited to offer the background, insight and inspiration that led to the birth of many of the most loved hymns of all time!