I Can Safely Rely

I can safely rely
On a Friend who would die

I can safely rely
On a Friend who would die
For to ransom an enemy’s soul.
With a Savior like this,
It is heavenly bliss
To yield all to Your faithful control.

I’ve no reason to fear,
For I know You will hear,
And I know You will do what is right.
In Your goodness and grace,
You will show me Your face,
And Your countenance radiates light.

I can trust and be still,
For my cup You will fill,
And with gladness You’ll strengthen my heart.
Though I see no increase,
I will lie down I peace,
Having safety and rest for my part.

All my will I resign,
To abide in the vine,
Yielding all to the pruner’s control.
Taking life from the root,
I will surely bear fruit,
And have fullness of joy for my soul.

Psalm 4; 6 – 8

Nita Brainard
