I Thought That I Could Still Be Friends
I thought that I could still be friends
With those from worldly days.
I thought that I could still be friends
With those from worldly days.
I thought that I could influence them
In many different ways.
And so I went to places that
A Christian should not be,
And did some things that were not right
To keep their love , you see.
I found my love for Thee grow cold.
I did not search Thy word,
For in it Thou had pointed to
The false friends I preferred.
Within my heart Thy still small voice
Had whispered, ”Can this be,
That you should take the hand of those
Who hate and disown Me?”
Ah, Lord, I turn my back upon
The friends who abhor Thee.
I’ll pray for them, but will not let
Them take my heart from Thee.