In the beams of this heavenly light – Thomas Brooks

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and I am the worst of them.” 1 Timothy 1:15

Divine and heavenly knowledge brings a man near to God; it gives a man the clearest and fullest sight of God; and the nearer any man comes to God, and the clearer visions he has of God, the more low and humble will that man lie before God. None so humble as those who have nearest communion with God. The angels that are near unto Him cover their faces with their wings, in token of humility. Divine knowledge makes a man look inwards; it anatomizes a man to himself; it is a mirror which shows a man the spots of his own soul, and this makes him little and low in his own eyes.

In the beams of this heavenly light, a Christian comes to see his own . . .

That knowledge which swells you with self importance, will undo you. That knowledge which puffs you with pride, will sink you. That knowledge which makes you delightful in your own eyes, will make you despicable in God’s eyes.
