Is This All?
Sometimes I catch sweet glimpses of His face, But that is all.
Sometimes he looks on me, and seems to smile, But that is all.
Sometimes he speaks a passing word of peace, But that is all.
Sometimes I think I hear his loving voice Upon me call.
And is this all he meant when thus he spoke, “Come unto me”?
Is there no deeper, more enduring rest In him for thee:
Is there no steadier light for thee in him? O, come and see!
O, come and see! O, look, and look again! All shall be right;
O, taste his love, and see that it is good, Thou child of night!
O, trust thou, trust thou in his grace and power! Then all is bright.
Nay, do not wrong him by thy heavy thoughts, But love his love.
Do thou full justice to his tenderness, His mercy prove;
Take him for what he is; O, take him all, And look above!
Then shall thy tossing soul find anchorage And steadfast peace;
Thy love shall rest on his; thy weary doubts Forever cease.
Thy heart shall find in him and in his grace Its rest and bliss!
Christ and his love shall be thy blessed all Forevermore!
Christ and his light shall shine on all thy ways Forevermore!