It’s Done

It’s done. It is finished — and done once for all —
The work of the cross that has torn down the wall;

It’s done. It is finished — and done once for all — Heb. 10:10
The work of the cross that has torn down the wall;  Eph. 2:14
That satisfied justice and paid for our sin,-Rom 3:25-26
And opened up heaven that all may go in.-Col. 1:5; Rom. 5:18

None other but Jesus could do what he’s done; – Acts 4:12
No one but the Saviour, who’s God’s only Son-Matt 3:17
Atonement for sin is from him and not you -Rom. 5:11
Yet he never said there was nothing to do-Matt. 4:44

The works of religion are empty and vain, Matt. 15:9, Heb. 6:1
And can’t help a sinner to be born again,  Eph. 2:9
But works of obedience are fruit that we see-1 Peter 1:2; Matt 12:33
In every believer whom Christ has made free.-Rom. 8: 2-4

The power of Christ is the power to save;- Rom. 1:16
To save men from sin, and not only the grave.- Matt. 1:21
On all of his followers he places demands – Matt. 16:24
And gives them the strength to obey his commands. -Phil. 4:13

Of things that our Master has told us to do
In rhyme I will mention but only a few:
First, Come unto me for my burden is light- Matt 11: 28, 30
And learn of my ways, so you judge what is right- Matt. 11:29,John 7:24

Beware of false prophets,and don’t be a fake:- Matt. 7:15; Matt. 6: 2, 5, 16
Be willing to give up your life for my sake-Mark 8:35
Don’t lay up your treasures on earth anymore,- Matt. 6:19
But seek first the kingdom and give to the poor.- Matt. 6:33; Matt. 19:21

Repent, be converted, forgive from your heart-Matt. 4:17, Matt. 18:3; Mark 11:25, Matt. 18:35
Cut off every sin, and from evil depart.- Matt. 5:30, 1 Peter 3:11
Go in at the gate and keep on in the way;- Matt 7:13; Col 2:6
Have faith in your God, but take heed, watch and pray.- Mark 11:22; Mark 13:33

Continue in truth, and abide in the vine,– John 8:31; John 15:4
So love one another, and let your light shine-John 13:34; Matt. 5:16
Go unto all nations the gospel topreach;- Mark 16:15
The things I’ve commanded are things you should teach- Matt. 28:20

To hear without doing is building on sand – Matt. 7:26
To hear and then do is the biblical stand,- Matt. 7:24
So if you have ears that are able to hear-Matt. 11:15
Work out your salvation with trembling and fear.- Phil. 2:12

Nita Brainard


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