Jealousy of God – Charles Spurgeon

THAT is a very wonderful and suggestive expression—”a jealous God.” See that it be engraved on your hearts. Jesus will not endure it that those of us who love him should divide our hearts between him and something else. The love which is strong as death is linked with a jealousy cruel as the grave, “the coals thereof are coals of fire, which has a most vehement flame.” The royal word to the spouse is, “Forget also your own people and your father’s house; so shall the King greatly desire your beauty: for he is your Lord; and worship you him.” Of course, beloved, the Master never condemns that proper natural affection which we are bound to give, and which it is a part of our sanctification to give in its due and proper proportion to those who are related to us. Besides, we are bound to love all the saints, and all mankind in their proper place and measure. But there is a love which is for the Master alone. Inside the heart there must be a sanctum sanctorum, within the veil, where he himself alone must shine like the Shechinah, and reign on the mercy-seat. There must be a glorious high throne within our spirits, where the true Solomon alone must sit; the lions of watchful zeal must guard each step of it. There must he, the King in his beauty, sit enthroned, sole monarch of the heart’s affections.
