Dr John Blanchard Audio Sermons
John Blanchard (1932-2021) was born on the Channel Island of Guersney in the year 1932. He was saved at the age of 22 in October 1954 listening to the preaching of Rev Paul Cantelon of the USA. He immediately had a zeal for God and co-founded the National Young Life Campaign. After serving God full-time for many fruitful years, he with two other colleagues founded Christian Ministries where his sound Bible teaching and evangelistic zeal took him across the world with preaching opportunities. It was after this that he became so well known for his Christian apologetics. He is well known across the world as a Christian apologist, defending fundamental Christianity and upholding Biblical truths. He is also well known as a teacher and preacher of the Word of God. He is revered as an evangelist and his publications , reaching eighteen million copies have impacted lives.
John Blanchard Audio Sermons
John Blanchard (1932-2021) was born on the Channel Island of Guersney in the year 1932. He was saved at the age of 22 in October 1954 listening to the preaching of Rev Paul Cantelon of the USA. He immediately had a zeal for God and co-founded the National Young Life Campaign. After serving God full-time for many fruitful years, he with two other colleagues founded Christian Ministries where his sound Bible teaching and evangelistic zeal took him across the world with preaching opportunities. It was after this that he became so well known for his Christian apologetics. He is well known across the world as a Christian apologist, defending fundamental Christianity and upholding Biblical truths. He is also well known as a teacher and preacher of the Word of God. He is revered as an evangelist and his publications , reaching eighteen million copies have impacted lives.