Leonard Ravenhill Audio Sermons
Leonard Ravenhill, well known across the world for his book ‘Why Revival Tarries’ and his fervent zeal for God and evangelistic ministry, was born in Leeds, England. While at Leeds he sat under the ministry of Samuel Chadwick. Ravenhill was known to always have an intense interest in Revival. During the 2nd World War, his fervent and zealous preaching drew crowds among which many not only found Christ as Savior but went into ministry and served the Lord as missionaries. His wife Martha had been an Irish nurse. They had three sons. The family moved to America in 1950 and he had a widespread ministry there, holding evangelistic campaigns in huge tents or in meeting halls. Ravenhill’s forthright, uncompromising preaching, fearless and faithful to the truth, will endure and continue to bear fruit in the hearts of men and women.

Leonard Ravenhill Audio Sermons
Leonard Ravenhill, well known across the world for his book ‘Why Revival Tarries’ and his fervent zeal for God and evangelistic ministry, was born in Leeds, England. While at Leeds he sat under the ministry of Samuel Chadwick. Ravenhill was known to always have an intense interest in Revival. During the 2nd World War, his fervent and zealous preaching drew crowds among which many not only found Christ as Savior but went into ministry and served the Lord as missionaries. His wife Martha had been an Irish nurse. They had three sons. The family moved to America in 1950 and he had a widespread ministry there, holding evangelistic campaigns in huge tents or in meeting halls. Ravenhill’s forthright, uncompromising preaching, fearless and faithful to the truth, will endure and continue to bear fruit in the hearts of men and women.