The wise men—Guilt in us, righteousness in Jesus.
ST PETER’S, Monday, September 18, 1842.
MY DEAR C., —I do not and cannot forget you; and though it is very late, I have to write you a few lines to say, follow on to know Jesus. I do not know if you can read my crooked writing, but I will make it as plain as I can. I was reading this morning, Luke 2:29, what old Simeon said when he got the child Jesus into his arms: “Now lettest Thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.” If you get a firm hold of the Lord Jesus, you will be able to say the same.
If you had died in your ignorance and sin, dear soul, where would you have been this night? Ah! how shall we sufficiently praise God if He really has brought you to the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ! Ps. 36:12, 13, will suit your case. If you all are really brought to Christ, it will be something like the case of the wise men of the East, Matt. 2. When they were in their own country, God attracted their attention by means of a star. They followed it, and came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He that is born King of the Jews? for we are come to worship Him.” Herod and Jerusalem were troubled at the saying. No one was seeking Christ but themselves. The world thought they were mad; but soon they saw the star again, and it led them to the house where the infant Saviour lay, —his robe of state a swaddling band, his cradle the manger. Yet they kneeled down and called Him, “my Lord and my God,”—they got their own souls saved, and gave Him gifts, the best they had, and then departed into their own country with great joy in their hearts, and heaven in their eye. So, it may be with you. The most around you care not for Jesus. But you are asking, “Where is He? —we are come to be saved by Him.” None around you can tell. They think you are going out of your mind. But God is leading you to the very spot where the Redeemer is, —a lowly, despised, spit-upon, crucified Saviour. Can this be the Saviour of the world? Yes, dear soul; kneel down and call Him your Redeemer. He died for such as you and me. And now you may go away into your own country again, but not as you came. You will carry with you joy unspeakable and full of glory. A young woman called upon me on Wednesday last, whom I had never seen before. She said she was a stranger from another part of Scotland; she came to this town about a year ago, and attended St Peter’s, and there for the first time learned that she was a sinner and needed Christ. About four weeks ago she found rest and joy at the Saviour’s feet. I said to her, “Then you will bless God that He brought you from your own country to this place.” She said, “I often do that.” Another woman came the same evening, whom I had never seen. She said she had been married eight years to a wicked husband. One of her Neighbours had brought her to our church, and now she feels that Christ has saved her soul.
Thus, the work goes on: “The Lord added to the church daily such as shall be saved.” A young woman was with me to-night in great distress. She said, “I have a wicked heart within me that would sink a world.” I said, “I am thankful to hear you complain of your wicked heart, dear friend, it is unsearchable wicked. There is not a sin committed on earth or in hell but has its spring and fountain in your breast and mine. You are all sin, —your nature is sin, —your heart is sin, —your past life is sin, —your prayers are all sin.” Oh, that you would despair of being righteous in yourself! Then take the Lord Jesus for your righteousness. In Him is no sin. And He stood for us, and offers to be your shield, —your way to the Father. You may be righteous in Christ with a perfect righteousness, broad as the law, and pure as the light of heaven. If you had an angel’s righteousness, you might well lay it down and put on Jesus. The robe of a blood-washed sinner is far whiter than that of an angel. Do not fear the frown of the world. When a blind man comes against you in the street, you are not angry at him; you say he is blind, poor man, or he would not have hurt me. So, you may say of the poor world, when they speak evil of Christians, they are blind. If they knew their sin and misery, and the love of Jesus, they would cleave to Him also. Fear not them which kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. Keep close to the Lord Jesus. He is greater than all that can be against you; He is the Shepherd of his sheep; He will defend you from wolves. Pray for the Holy Spirit, dear friend. Ask Him to come into your heart and abide there. It is a mean dwelling for such a guest. Still, He will make it clean and holy by dwelling in it. Ask Him to teach you to pray, Rom. 8:26, 27. He will give you “groanings that cannot be uttered.” Ask Him to change your heart and make it like that of Jesus. Ask Him to write the law upon your heart, and to keep you in every time of need. I fear you are weary of my long sermons. Remember, if you are not saved, I will be a witness against you in the judgment-day.
Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
Lost and ruined by the fall;
If ye tarry till you’re better,
You will never come at all.
Not the righteous—sinners Jesus came to call.
Farewell! Write me soon all your heart. —Ever yours till glory, etc.