What you want in yourself is to Be found in double measure in Christ.
DUNDEE, November 1842.
MY DEAR FRIEND, —Why did you not write me a few lines? It would be occupation to you, and your soul might find rest, even when pouring itself out to another. I do trust you are seeking hard after Him whom your soul loveth. He is not far from any one of us. He is a powerful and precious Saviour, and happy are they who put their trust in Him. He is the Rose of Sharon, lovely to look upon, having all divine and human excellences meeting in himself; and yet He is the Lily of the Valleys, — meek and lowly in heart, willing to save the vilest. He answers the need of your soul. You are all guilt; He is a fountain to wash you. You are all naked; He has a wedding garment to cover you. You are dead; He is the life. You are all wounds and bruises; He is the Balm of Gilead. His righteousness is broader than your sin; and then He is so free. Remember the word we read at the draw-well: “Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Look at Isa. 40:1, 2: “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people.” If you receive Christ as your Surety, you have realized double punishment for all your sins. The sufferings of Christ for us were as honoring to God as if we had suffered eternal punishment thrice over. If you will only open your arms to receive Christ as your Surety, then your iniquity is pardoned. You will taste immediate forgiveness. Your warfare with the law and an accusing conscience will be immediately accomplished. If you will only lay hold on Christ now, you will feel the force of that sweet command, “Comfort ye, comfort ye;” double comfort, double peace, for in Jesus you have suffered double wrath. Pray over that verse; and may He who first made the light to shine out of darkness shine into your heart, to let you see the way of salvation clearly. Soon may you sing: “Thou west angry with me; but thine anger is turned away, and Thou comforts me.” “Oh, to grace how great a debtor!” You are always in my prayers, that God would reveal himself unto you. Oh, the joy of being able to say, “My Beloved is mine, and I am his!”—Ever yours in the gospel, etc.