Riches of Christ—resemblance to Him
EDINBURGH, February 26, 1840.
MY DEAR MISS COLLIER, —I am sorry to leave town without seeing you, but I find myself obliged to do so. A long and interesting meeting of presbytery took up the greater part of my time. I am delighted to hear that you are still keeping a little better, and fondly hope the Lord may restore you to us once more, to help us by your prayers in these trying but glorious times. I would like to have seen you once again before going back; but I must just content myself with casting you on the Lord on whom you believe. Precious friend and unchangeable priest is Christ— sweeter to you than honey and the honeycomb. How great is the goodness He hath laid up for them that fear Him! Just as the miser lays up money that he may feast his eyes upon it, so Christ has laid up unsearchable riches that He may supply all our need out of them. Unfathomable oceans of grace are in Christ for you. Dive and dive again, you will never come to the bottom of these depths. How many millions of dazzling pearls and gems are at this moment hid in the deep recesses of the ocean caves! But there are unsearchable riches in Christ. Seek more of them. The Lord enriches you with them. I have always thought it a very pitiful show when great people ornament themselves with brilliants and diamonds; but it is truest wisdom to adorn the soul with Christ and his graces. “Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? yet my people have forgotten me, days without number.” You see my pen runs on, though I fear you will hardly be able to read what I write. The Lord Jesus gives you out of his fulness, and grace for grace. In a mirror you will observe that every feature of the face is reflected—both the large and small features. Now our soul should be a mirror of Christ; we should reflect every feature; for every grace in Christ there should be a counterpart grace in us. The Lord gives you this; then I can ask no more for you. Your times are in his hand. —Ps. 31. May you have the blessing of Asher: “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.”
Farewell till we meet. Kindest regards to Miss N. and Mrs. Coutts, and believe me ever yours in lasting bonds, etc.