Letters: Rev. William Armstrong, Rutherglen (2) - Bonar, Andrew

20 INDIA STREET, 1st Decr.1885.
— It was very kind in Mrs. Armstrong to write to me, letting me know that you are making some progress. I wonder what your meditations have been. Did you ever see the little book I enclose (Thoughts in Prospect of Death, by D.Rintoul)— the observations of one (I remember him in my college days in Edinburgh) who thought himself drawing nearer and nearer Eternity, like one in a boat gliding down the river to the sea? Perhaps you will have some ‘thoughts‘ to give us. You may have got some fresh and suggestive views of the ministry— ‘thoughts by a minister laid aside for some months.’ You no doubt get special visits of the Master, for He says, ‘In the time of trouble I will hide I him in My pavilion, in the secret of My Tabernacle (far, far in!) will I hide him.
With kindest thanks to Mrs. Armstrong and brotherly sympathy for you, dear Trophimus,—
Believe me, yours in the Lord,


GLASGOW, 1886.
—It is very kind in you to write me. At our last prayer-meeting (it was in my house), we all remembered you and offered special prayer for you. But you must not be at all cast down (Mrs. Armstrong : ‘Easy to say this, but he is not laid aside yet himself! ‘). You are like Samuel Rutherford feeling so keenly his ‘dumb Sabbaths,’ and yet these days became vocal with strains of heavenly poetry, as he got time to muse upon the love of Him who had loved His servant ‘out of the pit of corruption’ (see Isa. 38:17 ; margin, Hebrew). Who knoweth but you have been drawn aside in order to bring down showers by your strong cries and intercession for the Land; the Church, your Congregation, your Brethren, etc. Do you know I almost envied you when I read your letter, for often I get scarcely an hour free from interruption through the week, and it seems so desirable to have every day many hours for meditation and prayer.
Kindest sympathy as well as kindest regards to Mrs. Armstrong. Sing Psalm 42:11 and 43:5, and when praying for the brethren remember me also—Yours truly, dear brother,
