Life Is Not Always Fair! Martha Petrusevich
We sometimes may say, that life is unfair…
Why keep on going, when others don’t care.
Why keep on trying, to keep on the way…
When hardships you’re facing, day after day?
And no matter how hard, you seem to try…
You finally, just want to give up with a sigh.
When with problems, you’re trying to cope…
Why keep on, when there’s really no hope?
People mistreated you, wounding your soul…
You might feel like you can’t reach the goal.
And others around you, just don’t seem to see…
Don’t see your tears, and your heart’s silent plea.
Yes, this life isn’t fair, I must totally agree…
It wasn’t fair to others… you will learn to see.
It really is unfair, but this shouldn’t make you fall…
It wasn’t fair to Peter, it wasn’t fair to Paul
It wasn’t fair to Daniel, when he was so alone…
In a distant land, with people, he’d never known.
Yet, he was always faithful to the Lords command…
He served His King and Master in that foreign land.
In the lion’s den, to the Lord he prayed…
While those hungry lions, all around him laid.
There seemed to be no hope at all, in the lion’s den…
Yet, he was able to see the light of day again!!!
It wasn’t fair to David, a shepherd boy was he…
From the angry King, he often had to flee.
When he stood before the giant, so very great and tall,
No one could believe, that from one stone, he’d fall.
It wasn’t fair to Joseph, I can totally recall…
When one day, in the deep pit…he had to fall.
Sold to utter strangers, by those he knew so well…
Without even biding, his father a farewell.
It isn’t fair to people, to either great or small…
It wasn’t fair to Jesus the greatest King of all!
When on the tree He suffered, for all humanity…
That all the deepest sinners, again could be set free.
He was the Son of God, yet lived on earth below…
So all the other people…His great love could know.
When at times you feel, by others so mistreated…
When life is grey, you’re feeling quite defeated.
And everything around you…seems to be unfair,
Remember… your loving God, is always always there!!!
He’s been always protecting and helping you…
Through deepest trials was able to bring you through!!!
The path and way ahead, may be so hard and weary…
And future days, will be quite hard and dreary.
So when at times… it seems you can’t go on…
Just turn to Him for help, and He will make you strong!!!
By Martha Petrusevich