Light - John Bunyan

“And God said, Let there be light” (Gen. 1:3).

This is the first thing with which God began the order of the creation; to wit, light, ‘Let there be light:’ From which many profitable notes may be gathered, as to the order of God in the salvation of the soul. As,

. . . When the Holy Ghost worketh upon us, and in us, in order to a new creation; he first toucheth our understanding, that great peace of the heart, with his spiritual illumination: Matt. 4:16. His first word, in order to our conversion, is, Let there be light: light, to see their state by nature; light to see the fruits and effects of sin; light, to see the truth and worth of the merits of Jesus Christ; light to see the truth and faithfulness of God, in keeping promise and covenant with them that embrace salvation upon the blessed terms of the gospel of peace. Heb. 10:32. Now that this word, Let there be light, was a semblance of the first work of the Holy Ghost upon the heart, compare it with that of Paul to the Corinthians; ‘For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness,’ that is, at the beginning of the world, ‘hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ’ (2 Co. 4:6)

John Bunyan


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