Mr. Morehouse’s Illustration – Dwight Lyman Moody
I remember Mr. Morehouse, while here four years ago, used an illustration which has fastened itself on my mind. He said, suppose you go up the street and meet a man whom you have known for the last ten years to be a beggar, and you notice a change in his appearance, and you say, “Halloo, beggar, what’s come over you?” “I ain’t no beggar. Don’t call me beggar.” “Why,” you say, “I saw you the other day begging in the street.” “Ah, but a change has taken place,” he replies. “Is that so? how did it come about?” you inquire. “Well,” he says, “I came out this morning and got down here intending to catch the business men and get all the money out of them, when one of them came up to me and said there was [USD]10,000 deposited for me.” “How do you know this is true?” you say. I went to the bank and they put the money in my hand.” “Are you sure of that?” you ask; “how do you know it was the right kind of a hand?” But he says; “I don’t care whether it was the right kind of a hand or not; I got the money, and that’s all I wanted.” And so people are looking to see if they’ve got the right kind of a hand before they accept God by it. They have but to accept his testimony and they are saved, for, as John says, “He that hath received His testimony hath set his seal that God is true.” Is there a man in this assemblage who will receive His testimony and set his seal that God is true? Proclaim that God speaks the truth. Make yourself a liar, but make God’s testimony truthful. Take Him at His word.