My Thorn

 My thorn–oh will it ever go?
Lingering, hurting, trying so

My thorn–oh will it ever go?
Lingering, hurting, trying so
“Remove the thorn” I cry to Thee
I cannot live in victory

My helpmeet on the daily path
Doth mock and tease and hurt and laugh
“How can I be a test’mony
Unless he too doth follow Thee?”

My children mock my stand for Thee
They challenge standards constantly
“Oh let them quickly turn aright
That I might find the burden light”

This lingering sickness weakening me
Without a cure–I cry to Thee
“Deliver me from all this pain
And I with joy Thee’ll serve again.”

Oh Lord, this great financial strain
It causes stress and inner pain
“Remove the load and I will be
A better, brighter light for Thee”

But lo–the thorn was meant for me
To bring my soul to rest in Thee
If I do cease to remonstrate
My weakness He will compensate.

“There was given unto me a thorn in the flesh.”
II Cor. 12:7

Jenny Daniel
