My Utmost for His Highest - Chambers, Oswald
My Utmost for His Highest
Selections for the Year
Oswald Chambers
These readings are selected from lectures and sermons given by Oswald chambers from 1910 until his death in 1917.
Publication history
.As a book: my utmost for his highest was first published in 1927. My utmost is the best-known of the Oswald chambers books and the one with which most people are familiar. Mrs. Chambers compiled excerpts taken from all of oswalds spoken messages, which she recorded in shorthand during the seven years of their marriage. Mrs. Chambers worked on the book for nearly three years while supporting herself and her daughter, kathleen, 1 by running a boarding house for university students in oxford, england. Many of the daily readings contain material on a single theme gleaned from two or three different messages. Most of the material in my utmost appears in the other published books, but some of it does not, particularly that from oswalds talks during the weekly devotional hour at the bible training college. 2 those messages came from his heart to the students and were neither lectures nor sermons but talks about their life of faith and their walk with god. The devotional hour talks followed no theme or pattern, and many were never published in the btc journal 3 or as books. My utmost for his highest has been translated into at least twenty-five languages and has been continuously in print since it was first published in 1927. Throughout my utmost, all mentions of this college refer to the bible training college, london. Bible references noted moffatt are from james moffatts translation of the new testament, published in 1913.
Foreword (to the First edition)
These daily readings have been selected from various sources, chiefly from the lectures given at the bible training college, clap ham, during the years 191115; then, from October 1915 to november 1917, from talks given night by night in the y. M. C. A. Huts, zeitoun, Egypt. 4 in November 1917 my husband entered gods presence. Since then many of the talks have been published in book form, and others from which these readings have been gathered will also be published in due course. A large proportion of the readings have been chosen from the talks given during the devotional hour at the college. 5 men return again and again to the few who have mastered the spiritual secret, whose life has been hid with christ in god. These are of the old-time religion, hung to the nails of the cross. (robert murray mccheyne)6 it is because it is felt that the author is one to whose teaching men will return, that this book has been prepared, and it is sent out with the prayer that day by day the messages may continue to bring the quickening life and inspiration of the holy spirit.
B. C.7 200 wood stock road oxford October 1927
To the Students of the Bible Training College
For His Name’s sake they went forth. . . .
Witnesses unto Me . . . unto the uttermost part of the earth