Need of awakene – Charles Spurgeon

A VICIOUS horse is none the better tempered because the kicking straps prevent his dashing the carriage to atoms ; and so a man is none the better really because the restraints of custom and providence may prevent his following that course of life which he would prefer. Poor fallen human nature be- hind the bars of laws, and in the cage of fear of punishment, is none the less a sad creature ; should its Master unlock the door we should soon see what it would he and do. A young leopard which had been domesticated, and treated as a pet, licked its master’s hand while he slept, and it so happened that it drew blood from a recent wound ; the first taste of blood trans forme d*the gentle creature into a raging wild beast ; yet it wrought no real change, it only awakened the natural ferocity which had always been there. A change of nature is required for our salvation— mere restraints are of small
