No Prophet Came From Galilee - Lee Brainard

In John 7 the Jews were disputing among themselves over who Jesus was. Some said he was the Messiah. Others denied it. The religious leadership mocked those who thought Jesus had demonstrated enough evidence to merit investigation. “Are you also deceived? Have any of the leaders or scholars believed on him? The masses are ignorant of the law and doomed to misunderstand it … Search the Scriptures and see for yourselves. No prophet has ever arisen from Galilee.”

Here we find one of the most common tactics to oppose the truth — a false generalization spoken in a contemptuous manner that belittles those who believe the truth. The scholars belittling claim that no prophet had ever arisen from Galilee was wrong on two accounts. First, Jonah was from Gath-hepher in Galilee. Second, God favors the underdog, and this principle often trumps historical precedence. So even if it had been true that no prophet had arisen from Galilee in the past, that does not mean that one could not in the future. Ironically, most of the twelve apostles were despised Galileans.

A man takes a giant step forward the day he determines that he will never again be swayed by ridicule and contempt. “The fear of man brings a snare.” It forces people to handle evidence dishonestly — whether the facts of history, scientific evidence, or the testimony of the Bible — and keeps them from embracing conclusions that the evidence clearly leads to. Be your own man — or your own woman — who trembles at intellectual honesty, not popular opinion.

~Lee Brainard, September 27, 2014

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