Nobility, The True Heavenly – Charles Spurgeon
BRING hither the poorest peasant; let her, if you will, be an aged woman, wrinkled and haggard with years; let her be ignorant of all learning: but let me know that in her there is faith in Christ, and that consequently the Holy Spirit dwells within her, I will reverence her above all emperors and kings, for she is above them. What are these crowned ones but men who, perhaps, have waded through slaughter to a throne, while she has been uplifted by the righteousness of Jesus. Their dynasty is, after all, of mushroom growth, but she is of the blood royal of the skies. She has God within her; Christ is waiting to receive her into his bliss; Heaven’s inhabitants, without her, could not be perfected, nor God’s purpose be fulfilled, therefore is she noblest of the noble.